Articles By Liv
Explore articles, tips, and reflections on personal growth, leadership, and living a life of alignment and purpose.
You Are Wrong About Yourself
Many of my clients come to me feeling stuck - there is an internal fight happening. There is a part of them who is loving and kind towards themselves and there is an inner critic that is mean and cruel.
Honoring Your Own Boundaries
When we practice setting healthy boundaries, we have direct access to our highest, most authentic selves. Living from this place it becomes easy to then listen, trust and follow our intuition.
How to Keep Your Child Safe + Connected to You
Today I recorded a 15 minute talk about one of the most important ways to keep your child safe and how to stay connected to them in a healthy way.
Create Your HEALTHY Routines
Are you working on getting back into your routine after a long summer of travel and fun?
Yeah me too… which has got me thinking about THE POWER OF CREATING INTENTIONAL ROUTINES!
Your routines will grow stale if you do not evaluate whether or not they are working for you.
This is the perfect time of year to do a little reflection and begin to evaluate the rituals, systems and routines that will set you free!
Eliminate Stress and Drama at Work
Often the biggest breakthroughs that occur in my clients’ personal lives and careers happen when they bring awareness to how they are navigating their relationships and commit to improving the quality of their relationships.
In this article I share with you a valuable principle called the Drama Triangle that will help you step out of drama, take radical responsibility, and build relationships that are powerful, connected and stress free.
Sleepless Summer Nights
This week I want to share with you how to get more quality sleep!
If you are struggling to fall asleep more than usual during the summer months you are not alone.
It’s a proven fact that summer can negatively affect your sleep patterns.
Here’s WHY:
The days are longer and brighter. You may be out of your normal routine with travel and events. You may have changed your eating habits and find yourself eating later or drinking more alcohol.
Insomnia is frustrating and debilitating and leads to a whole cascade of other negative side effects come morning.
28 Day Challenge: Give Up to Go Up
To get healthy + reach your big life goals people will tell you to dial in your morning routine, read a best seller, start a new workout plan, and eat more vegetables.
This all works but it’s a terrible place to start when you are trying to lose weight or create better habits for healthy, happy life.
How to Eat a Donut
There is a right way and a wrong way to eat a donut (or treat of your choice).