28 Day Challenge: Give Up to Go Up

28 day challenge: Give up to GO up 


To get healthy + reach your big life goals people will tell you to dial in your morning routine, read a best seller, start a new workout plan, and eat more vegetables. 


This all works but it’s a terrible place to start when you are trying to lose weight or create better habits for a healthy, happy life.  

Here’s where to start: 


Think of one thing that is costing you too much energy, something that contributes to sabotaging your desired results. 


  • What do you keep negotiating with yourself about doing or not doing?

  • What are you doing to numb, avoid or distract that you end up feeling guilty about later?

  • What is the thing you are doing that if you stopped doing would make it easier for you to show up for yourself?


Here is my challenge to you: Stop doing this thing for 28 days. 


Yes, it will be hard but you can do it. I’ll be doing this with you!!! 


We start on July 15th… You’ve got 2 days to prepare. 


Here are things I’ve decided to give up for a time and with intention in order to reach my big goals and feel proud: 



  • SCREENS after 7pm: this helped me grow my business during the pandemic

  • COFFEE: this helped me feel less anxious and helped me connect to my body to make better choices in my day

  • Hitting the SNOOZE button: this helped me take my morning walks and minimize feelings of depression

  • Watching the NEWS: this helped me honor my sensitivity and keep me happy

  • SOCIAL MEDIA: when my daughter was around 1 year old I cut out social for about a year because my time and attention was precious

  • WINE during the week: I got in the habit of drinking wine during the pandemic while cooking dinner. This slowed me down the next day. I cut it out and my energy and body felt better.



These are my examples. These might not be yours. Tune into your body. What can you stop doing for 28 days? 


This time around I will commit to turning off all screens by 8pm. Lately I’ve been staying up too late watching TV after putting my daughter to sleep. This is contributing to my weekday starting later than usual and is costing me too much energy. 


Now it’s your turn: Create a loving boundary with yourself to make your life easier. 


  • Where there is structure there is freedom.


  • Creativity and productivity thrives with a good plan and systems in place.


  • It’s the hard choices that lead to a better life.


Together let’s build our muscle of pride and stop doing one thing that is costing us too much energy. 


Join my network to get support along the way. I will be offering free virtual coaching for this challenge starting July 15th. 


I want to hear what you are doing. 


Let’s support each other for the next 28 days!!! 

Oliveyah Fisch

Oliveyah Fisch is a leading expert in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years of experience and strong connections in the community. She is passionate about inspiring people and sharing her knowledge of movement, nutrition and emotional balance achieved through healthy living.


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