You Are Wrong About Yourself

Many of my clients come to me feeling stuck - there is an internal fight happening. There is a part of them who is loving and kind towards themselves and there is an inner critic that is mean and cruel. 

As women we may have been taught to love ourselves but we have not been taught to like ourselves. We have been told that love is enough to keep us inspired, motivated and on our road to success. 


In this case love alone won’t cut it.  For those of us calling in more and seeking to rise as we embrace true fulfillment and authenticity we will also need to like ourselves…. All the time, everywhere, no matter what.  

We can love someone and not want to spend every waking moment with them but we do not have that luxury to take a break from OURSELVES.  No matter what is happening in life, there is no  escaping yourself. You are with yourself every waking moment. 

Here is what it looks like when you love yourself but do not like yourself: 

  • Using an array of distractions, numbing techniques and devices available to deal with the pain of feeling disconnected from oneself. 

  • When you  let  “loving  ourselves” be an excuse to let ourselves off the hook or NOT show up for what truly matters. 

  • When you say, “I’ve worked hard I deserve (naughty pleasure of choice.)” 

  • If  you want to step up or step into  life in a whole new way but find you are lacking clarity or the confidence to do so?

These sloppy boundaries are little self-betrayals that often leave women  feeling bummed and questioning their own brilliance. 

Here is the key to liking yourself and what I’m most excited to share - IT IS TIME TO CREATE HEALTHY BOUNDARIES TO AND FOR YOURSELF. . 

This one tool alone will allow anyone to feel incredibly POWERFUL! 

Having sloppy boundaries or boundaries that are too rigid, do not allow women to show up for themselves in a consistent way. There is a better way and it’s time to feel proud. 

The clients I work with get extraordinary results because they are practicing building their muscle of pride with healthy boundaries daily. I teach them how to fast track to success so they are showing up powerfully for themselves, in both work and relationships. 

That inner critic that says, you are not “doing” enough or not “good” enough is a lie based on fear and it’s continuing the cycle of shame, playing out different versions of the imposter experience. 

Here’s the truth. We are all powerful beyond measure! 

When we practice setting healthy boundaries, we have direct access to our highest, most authentic selves.  Living from this place it becomes easy to then listen, trust and follow our intuition. 

When you  are feeling down, stuck or just not like yourself,  ask this one question and start doing this one activity daily: 

  1. What must I stop doing? Just pick one simple thing you are willing to give up to go up. 

  1. Each morning, start the day with something to shock your system. Do not hit that snooze button. Get up, step into the day intentionally and do an activity that has you feeling fully alive. {Here are some examples: wash your face with cold water, take a cold shower, go outside and put your bare feet to the earth, scream, sing, 3 min solo dance party. }

Let me know if you need help? 

With love, 



Here are 2 ways I can help you step into your confident self to feel powerful and truly alive. 

  1. Join the LIV NETWORK: I have free courses in my private network including a 28 day GIVE UP TO GO UP COURSE. Join my inner circle to get started.

  1. Work with me privately. Apply here for a complimentary consult.

Oliveyah Fisch

Oliveyah Fisch is a leading expert in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years of experience and strong connections in the community. She is passionate about inspiring people and sharing her knowledge of movement, nutrition and emotional balance achieved through healthy living.

Honoring Your Own Boundaries