Connecting to Pure Joy

I was wearing a short black dress and Prada leopard high heels. I was in a beautiful house in wine country on Wappo Hill. The lights were bright and the cameras were rolling live. The host and his wife sat opposite me and asked in short what I do for self-care.

I could have gone with the safe answer and talked about how I honor my introvert and get massages once a month.

But I didn’t. Instead I talked about what actually sets me free and brings me joy. I shared in front of thousands of people the importance of self-pleasure, how to create intimacy and fun in your relationship and how to honor your ambitious creativity to access pure joy and true work.

This interview helped launch my career and today I want to share with you the power of joy and pleasure so that you can experience your highest potential.

The actions of self-care for many have somehow morphed into a long to-do list, tracking stats of movement and meditation through devices, hours at the salon, and weekend getaways with girlfriends while scrolling on social media.

I know coaches who send their clients food scales to help them lose weight. There are people spending hours sweating on yoga mats and in silent meditation and then still find themselves in a world of sadness and pain when they return to themselves.

Here’s why!

There is a significant difference between self-care practices and self-maintenance. Self-care practices allow you to replenish, evolve and raise your baseline; while self-maintenance maintains your baseline and outer appearance.

You have worked hard and made good choices and when you look around you seem to have checked off all the boxes. Yet you are still dissatisfied, not because you’ve made a mistake but because your soul is calling you to align with a different frequency that you were not taught by your parents, school or vocation. You are being called to level up and out of the norm and step into your highest self.

Just imagine what you could create if you were aligned with your joy, connected to your body fully and knew how to experience pleasure. In this state there is a calm and confidence, and an infinite amount of love and certainty that no one can take away.

The grind and struggle you are experiencing is a lie and is pulling you further away from the important relationships in your life, disconnecting you from your gut wisdom and feminine sensuality. In short it’s slowing you down and keeping you stuck!

Why? Because you are out of alignment-

  • You want more confidence but you are afraid to take big risks.

  • You want what’s best for your child but you are in constant worry about their wellbeing.

  • You want to create and make something incredible with your life but you are not connected to your greatness.

  • You want to be adored by your partner and bring the magic back to this relationship but you yourself are not happy and connected to your truth to allow this relationship to flourish.

  • You want optimal health and vitality but you have sloppy boundaries.

I promise you there is a way to have it all without sacrificing your health, your relationships or your calling. To reach your full potential you cannot do one in isolation and hope for satisfaction.

You are here to experience the full expression of yourself and I want to show you how.

Here is what you have access to in my containers:

  • You will wake up feeling excited to do your day.

  • You will know what it feels like to feel connected to your body and be turned on by life.

  • You will feel clear on your non-negotiables and have healthy boundaries with yourself so that in turn your partner is clear on how to treat you.

  • In turn, you will learn how you create a passionate relationship with your partner.

  • You will no longer feel confused about your purpose or true work and you will know exactly how to spend your time.

  • You will more easily be able to connect with your children without distraction or worrying about their happiness or success.

  • You will feel so damn proud of yourself at the end of the day so that when you lay your head down on your pillow at night you are giddy like a child on Christmas morning.

    The world is in dire need of people connected to their intuition so that they are better able to show up for their true work.

    I can’t wait to show you the principles of joy and sensual pleasure that will support this next chapter in your life.

    For now I’ll leave you with these nuggets of truth:

  • You will need better models of success: Where you are going you will need people around you who do not just know what to tell you to do- but who are actually living in true alignment themselves. There is an ocean's distance between knowledge and wisdom. You will need people around you with embodied wisdom not 'text book' knowledge. Stop going to people for advice who have not been where you are going.

  • The tools and routines that have allowed you to understand your story and get you the life you have now are not the techniques and practices that will change your life in the direction you want to go next.

  • This next level requires less hard work and more effortless fun and play where you are tapped in, on fire and fully alive through all your senses.

  • You will need to rewrite your story: in this next chapter of your life you will need to stop just telling your story and instead re-write your story from a place of empowerment.Your trauma has now turned into your drama and it is affecting the relationships with the ones you love the most.

  • You’ve done the therapy, you’ve cried the tears. You can choose to stay in this safe place of pain or you can decide now to change your whole life. The awareness that got you to a place of self-actualization will not be the practices that will ultimately set you free and give you the life experiences you desire now.

  • You will need to tap into your gut wisdom: You have instincts available to you that may feel wild and unconventional at first but ultimately this is the part of you that must be set free.

  • It is time to notice when you are acting out of obligation or your whole body yes. It is through this frequency where your intentions are high and your attachment low where you will learn how to play with life, connect with your intuition, and BE the person you admire.

    Connecting to the frequency of pure joy and cultivating this relationship with yourself is now the only requirement necessary to be happy, expand your career and contribution and create the meaningful relationships that you truly want in your life.

    I am the advocate for the women who dare say, “I want it all!”

    Step into my space and I will show you how…

Oliveyah Fisch

Oliveyah Fisch is a leading expert in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years of experience and strong connections in the community. She is passionate about inspiring people and sharing her knowledge of movement, nutrition and emotional balance achieved through healthy living.

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