Sleepless Summer Nights

This week I want to share with you how to get more quality sleep! 


If you are struggling to fall asleep more than usual during the summer months you are not alone. 


It’s a proven fact that summer can negatively affect your sleep patterns. 


Here’s WHY: 


The days are longer and brighter. You may be out of your normal routine with travel and events. You may have changed your eating habits and find yourself eating later or drinking more alcohol. 


Insomnia is frustrating and debilitating and leads to a whole cascade of other negative side effects come morning. 


You may have noticed! 


  • You wake up and you crave sugar in the form of simple carbohydrates like bagels and cereal for a quick hit of energy

  • You need caffeine to get through your day

  • Your mental state is inhibited making it harder to focus and get work done

  • Things affect you more than usual. You might even think that you are depressed because you’re more emotional or moody


You are NOT depressed, you just need more quality sleep! 


Here is how you step into an EMPOWERED STATE: 


My Top 5 Expert Sleep Tips:


1) De-vice: Ideally your body needs 8+ hours of sleep between the hours of 10pm and 6am. Our eyes were not made for artificial light. Turn off all blue light devices (phone, iPad, TV, Kindle) and lower indoor lights no later than 9pm. Depending on your bed time you will want to shut off all devices 60 min before you sleep to stimulate melatonin production. 

2) Check your light and sound: Keep your bedroom as dark as possible and wear an eye mask if needed. If you live in a loud area or sleep next to someone that snores, ear plugs are a must. 

3) Ugh, waking up sweaty sucks: Be sure to make your bedroom cool. Leave a window open or fan on and don’t wear heavy clothing. The ideal room temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Okay the next 2 are the hardest ones for people to follow but they get the best results…You ready?

4) Meal Timing: Stop ALL eating and drinking 3 hours before bedtime. So, if you are going to sleep at 10pm you will need to be done with dinner, teeth brushed by 7pm. Digestion and bathroom trips will only interrupt nighttime sleep.

5) Play More During the Day: All work and no play will leave you wanting to “do” at night what you were longing for during the day. Check in with your FULL self daily so that you are getting your needs met and feel satisfied with your day BEFORE bedtime. One of the tools I use for this is The Hoffman Process daily quad checks on Instagram


I often say to clients that 99.99 percent of their problems will disappear if they prioritize sleep over all else. I know this may be an overstatement, but it comes pretty close to a cure-all. 


Use these sleep tips so that you get the quality sleep you deserve and have the energy you need in your day. 


Is there a habit you want to stop doing? If so, it’s not too late to join my 28 Day GIVE UP TO GO UP CHALLENGE. 


Practicing loving boundaries around getting quality sleep can change your life. 


I’m giving up all my devices by 9pm on “school nights” For 28 days. 




Because I want to get up and get going earlier without relying on coffee every day. In addition, I know that when I carve out “me time” before my day begins… LIFE IS GOOD.  


Thankfully, I am doing this with the LIV NETWORK and we are all supporting each other to GIVE UP something for 28 days so that we can GO UP. 


Want to join us?


Link below to join this FREE community event. 


With love, 

P.S. Want more daily tips and inspiration? Follow me on Instagram 

Oliveyah Fisch

Oliveyah Fisch is a leading expert in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years of experience and strong connections in the community. She is passionate about inspiring people and sharing her knowledge of movement, nutrition and emotional balance achieved through healthy living.

Eliminate Stress and Drama at Work


28 Day Challenge: Give Up to Go Up