Create Your HEALTHY Routines

Are you working on getting back into your routine after a long summer of travel and fun?


Yeah me too… which has got me thinking about THE POWER OF CREATING INTENTIONAL ROUTINES! 


Your routines will grow stale if you do not evaluate whether or not they are working for you. 


This is the perfect time of year to do a little reflection and begin to evaluate the rituals, systems and routines that will set you free! 


Here are 3 of the most powerful things you can do to create healthy routines this fall. 


Manage Your Day Stress: 

Most people are busy during the day and do not notice that they are stressed or overwhelmed until the end of the day arrives and they try to go to sleep.

If you find that you either wake up at 3am or have a hard time falling asleep this one is especially for you. 

It is important that you manage your day stress during the day and don’t wait until the evening to “relax”. 


When you rely solely on your evenings for down time you will find your days are unsatisfying and unfulfilling which will leave you reaching for unhealthy options at night.


Here’s the key to managing your day stress: 


 Include life enhancing activities that you enjoy during the day. I know this is not always easy but it is essential. 


Here are a few examples to help you begin to brainstorm what you might need: 

Make time for play, take a pause or time out, take breaks from work to get outside, play music during the day, step away from your computer, take 3 deep breaths with your eyes closed, hula hoop, have a 3 minute dance party, make time to do nothing, eat lunch without distractions…


Clean Up Your Eating Habits: 


Take the time to meal plan and meal prep so that you are not hunting for food when you are hungry, your body will thank you for applying the following daily structure into your eating habits. 


Here’s the key elements to cleaning up your eating habits: 


 Eat 3 meals per day 4 - 6 hours a part. Each meal time needs to include a protein, a carbohydrate and fat. 

 Stop eating after dinner. Your body wants 3 hours of digestion time before going to sleep. 

 Stop snacking on packaged and processed food. It’s non-food disguised as food that is full of sugar and will zap your energy. 


Get Movement In During The Day: 


When you take care of yourself your connection to everything else improves…This includes getting in daily movement. 


This does not mean you are feeling guilty when you don’t go to the gym or get in a crazy sweaty workout! 


No- this means celebrating yourself for walking during a business call, incorporating stretches at the end of your day and using your standing desk for your next meeting. 


One of my favorite things I get to do for my clients is to create a movement plan that fits their lifestyle and goals. They are always amazed by the results they get when I help them reimagine how they workout. 


Here’s the key to getting in daily movement: When you implement an effective, simple plan only then will you be able to stay consistent. Consistency is what creates results- not overtraining and falling off track! 


Here is a quote from a recent graduate of my program: 


“It’s easy to get people on track, Liv’s genius lies in making sure they stay on track.” 


If you are looking for support to build your confidence and reach you health and life goals then use the link below to set up a transformation session! 


I would love to support you on your journey 

Oliveyah Fisch

Oliveyah Fisch is a leading expert in the health and fitness industry with over 10 years of experience and strong connections in the community. She is passionate about inspiring people and sharing her knowledge of movement, nutrition and emotional balance achieved through healthy living.

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