Articles By Liv
Explore articles, tips, and reflections on personal growth, leadership, and living a life of alignment and purpose.
Sleepless Summer Nights
This week I want to share with you how to get more quality sleep!
If you are struggling to fall asleep more than usual during the summer months you are not alone.
It’s a proven fact that summer can negatively affect your sleep patterns.
Here’s WHY:
The days are longer and brighter. You may be out of your normal routine with travel and events. You may have changed your eating habits and find yourself eating later or drinking more alcohol.
Insomnia is frustrating and debilitating and leads to a whole cascade of other negative side effects come morning.
Teach You To Fisch
My mission is to empower, inspire and “TEACH YOU TO FISCH”! With every single class, discussion or session my hope is that I am educating you in a way that is giving you agency, independence, tools, skills and habits to incorporate into each day. So that when “shit hits the fan” (you break your leg, you have back pain, your trainer decides to have a baby, there’s a pandemic….etc) you are able to take care of you health. No matter what! I want to support you and I would be doing you a disservice if i did not also teach you to become self- supporting and capable as well.
2020: Is this the best year of my life?
I’ve been on an amazing ride the last few months and I’ve expanded my business into new sectors I was too afraid to step into before. I have been speaking and teaching (virtually) as a corporate wellness coach and I am offering my services as a personal life coach for the first time. I am asking the universe every day, “how can I serve?” And the universe is responding.