Articles By Liv

Explore articles, tips, and reflections on personal growth, leadership, and living a life of alignment and purpose.

Community Oliveyah Fisch Community Oliveyah Fisch

Combat Racism: It's time to do the work

This work, is not for some other person over there who is more racist than I am. It’s about me and it’s about you. It’s about all of us doing the hard work required to leave a better world for our children and their children. It’s about liberating ourselves. It’s about feeling good about the world we live in, the communities we are a part of and how we contribute everyday. It’s about doing our part, and if nothing else, being able to tell our children, and the next generation, that we tried. That we gave a damn.

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Community Oliveyah Fisch Community Oliveyah Fisch


I experience racism all the time. Yes, in California, yes in the Bay Area, and yes, especially in Marin County. Sadly it has been something I have accepted and learned to adapt to. My grief the last few weeks stems from the realization of how much, over the course of my life, racism HAS actually affected me. My ability to disassociate with this trauma in my day to day is frightening to me and is why I have been feeling so much grief and sadness these last few weeks.

It’s all coming out. One soppy, messy tear at a time. This is my story… Please read with an open heart.

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